University of Angers
In the heart of a dynamic region, the University of Angers hosts 24,000 students on its three Angers campuses (Belle-Beille, Saint-Serge and Santé) and two branch campuses (Cholet and Saumur). With connected and green campuses, UA is committed to a proactive policy of promoting environmental conservation. Under the leadership of the elected president and his team of vice-presidents, some 1,800-permanent staff, research lecturers and administrative and technical staff ensure the proper functioning of this multidisciplinary institution dedicated to research and training.
Initially founded in the 11th century and founded anew in the early 1970s, it has since cultivated a taste for boldness, and conducts an increasing number of innovative projects, in connection with the local region, to build the world of tomorrow.
Multidisciplinary in scope, the University of Angers has developed strong research themes around plants, materials and photovoltaics, particularly in the field of health and the social and human sciences (tourism, childhood, gender studies, etc.). Its 850 researchers are divided into 26 research units, 13 of which are labelled by research organisations (CNRS, Inserm, Inra).
Five SFRs (federative research entities), specialising in plants, health, LLSH (humanities, languages and human sciences), MathSTIC (mathematics and information and communication sciences and technologies) and materials, are responsible for scientific facilitation and the coordination of shared technology platforms.
Through a network of professional engineers and business managers in the research clusters, and with the support of SATT Ouest Valorisation, UA is implementing a proactive policy of identifying, encouraging and supporting the transfer of technology and know-how from laboratories to the socio-economic world.