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Crédit photo Bin_Suyardi

Séminaire de Recherche en Tourisme “Desa Wisata (Tourist Village) as a Vector of Sustainable Tourism: Case of Arborek, Sauwandarek and Sawinggrai, Raja Ampat, South West Papua, Indonesia”

Le prochain Séminaire de Recherche en Tourisme, organisé par l’ESTHUA, Institut national de tourisme-INNTO France, avec le soutien du GIS Études touristiques et de l’axe 5 de la SFR Confluences, aura lieu lundi 14 octobre, en présentiel et en distanciel, de 14h à 15h20. Ce séminaire aura pour thème “Desa Wisata (Tourist Village) as a Vector of Sustainable Tourism: Case of Arborek, Sauwandarek and Sawinggrai, Raja Ampat, South West Papua, Indonesia”.

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Special Issue Open Call – “Coastal Squeeze: Beaches under Socio-Economic and Ecological Pressure”

A new open call for papers for the journal TOMO “Coastal Squeeze: Beaches under Socio-Economic and Ecological Pressure” has just been launched. This open call invite social scientists, especially anthropologists, sociologists, and political scientists, to submit articles that analytically go beyond the idea of beaches as isolated territories and expose the logic of contemporary socio-economic and ecological pressures at the local, regional, national, or global levels, taking into account forms of beach grabbing and their disputes.

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Appel à articles “Approches critiques de la quantification du tourisme”

A l’occasion d’une publication à paraître en 2025, la revue de recherche en tourisme Mondes du tourisme lance un appel à articles sur les “approches critiques de la quantification du tourisme”. Le présent appel propose de s’intéresser à toutes les démarches qui ont pu être entreprises au cours des dernières années sur cette thématique pour appréhender nouvellement les enjeux contemporains du tourisme.

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Call for Proposals: International Conference “Environmental History challenging the Mediterranean (16th to 21st centuries)”

A new open call for proposals for the International Conference “Environmental History challenging the Mediterranean (16th to 21st centuries)” has just been launched. In light of France hosting the Third United Nations Conference on the Oceans in Nice in June 2025, this time of debate and sharing on the future of the oceans is an opportunity to take up these issues. The Conference will take place Friday 27th June and Saturday 28th June 2025.