Appel à communications Colloque sino-européen du tourisme
28 janvier 2025
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Shapes of Tourism Employment presents the circumstances of being an employee in large-scale tourist organizations within two key sectors – hotels and passenger air transport – according to their evolution in response to the advent of the leisure society. Confronted with strategic and financial hazards, human resource management has to compromise with professionals whose relation to their work oscillates between choice and obligation, at the discretion of their hierarchical or social position. This book explores the complex worlds of these two sectors, from the front to the back office, from the receptionist to the flight attendant, up to the general manager and the aircraft captain. Their soft skills are highlighted, in line with new, less hierarchical approaches to professional relationships.
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Ed. Wiley-ISTE / July 2020 / 430 pages
ISBN papier : 978-1-119-75133-5